Everything Apple

Thursday 14 November 2013

This jaw-dropping concept totally reimagines Apple’s dull OS X Messages app

Messages Mac concept (Denis Pakhaliuk 002)

The iDB team very much depends on Apple’s Messages app as our day-to-day communications tool to keep everyone on the same page. Disregarding for a moment the ongoing iMessage reliability issues, the Messages app that comes bundled with OS X feels terribly outdated both design and feature-wise, even in Mavericks.

Basically nothing has changed since the iChat days apart from iMessage integration and a few questionable UI tweaks adding up to the overall clunkiness.

Thinking differently about the software, Palo Alto, California-based user interface designer Denis Pakhaliuk has envisioned a remarkable concept which has immediately left me speechless and wanting for more.

The awesomeness is right after the break…(...)

Read the rest of This jaw-dropping concept totally reimagines Apple’s dull OS X Messages app

"This jaw-dropping concept totally reimagines Apple’s dull OS X Messages app" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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