Everything Apple

Sunday 9 February 2014

Wallpapers of the week: starred night sky

starred sky wallpaper splash wotw

Another post arrives in the Wallpapers of the Week section, as the calendar turns to another Sunday. Last week, we posted Apple’s newest teaser wallpaper which debuted in their Valentine’s Day advertisement for iPad Air. As the wallpaper was pink, it seems our hyper masculine readership did not take very well to the selection.

Considering the small rebellion, today the wallpapers are photo images, which is a complete break from any Apple replicated gradient images. We try to monitor the sentiment of readers through the comment section. If you want to help direct the wallpapers, keep the comments coming, but we rely on positive comments too…(...)

Read the rest of Wallpapers of the week: starred night sky

"Wallpapers of the week: starred night sky" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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