Everything Apple

Sunday 9 February 2014

What an iPhone would have cost in 1991

iOS 7 teaser (iPhone 5s ad 009)

As inexpensive and powerful as technology is today, it’s easy to take it for granted. You can buy a smartphone today that could outperform desktop machines from 20 years ago, at a fraction of the size, for a fragment of the price.

To really put things in perspective, analyst Bret Swanson decided to do a rough calculation of what the iPhone would have cost to build in 1991. And to give you an idea of how pricey it gets, a 1GB HD cost around $10K back then…(...)

Read the rest of What an iPhone would have cost in 1991

"What an iPhone would have cost in 1991" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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