Everything Apple

Thursday 27 March 2014

FireChat for iPhone lets you chat without network connection

FireChat 1.3 for iOS (iPhone screenshot 001)

FireChat, a new instant messaging application for the iPhone, is kinda of a big deal. You wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between it and other messaging apps on the App Store if it weren’t for its particularly unique feature.

FireChat supports off-the-grid communication, a codeword for its ability to exchange instant messages without a cellular or Wi-Fi connection.

What kind of dark magic is this?

FireChat, available free in the App Store, is the brainchild of the crowdsourced firm Open Garden. The software uses the same principles as Apple’s AirDrop feature, which takes advantage of a new iOS 7 technology called Multipeer Connectivity Framework (MCF).

Read on for the full reveal…(...)

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"FireChat for iPhone lets you chat without network connection" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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