Everything Apple

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Amazon’s smartphone said to feature unique, tilt-based gesture interface

amazon phone

According to a bevy of recent reports, Amazon is preparing to launch a smartphone. It’s a tough market to try to bust into this late in the game—with Apple and Samsung taking home a large share of the profits already—but from what we’ve heard, the e-commerce giant is going to try to differentiate itself with unique features.

Today, following up its report from last week on a purported prototype of the Amazon phone, BGR has offered up some new details. Apparently, in addition to glasses-free 3D and head-tracking tech, the handset will also feature a number of motion-based gestures that can be activated by tilting the device in various directions…... Read the rest of this post here

"Amazon’s smartphone said to feature unique, tilt-based gesture interface" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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