Everything Apple

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Apple lists apps from new iPhone 5s ‘Powerful’ ad

iPhone 5s ad (Powerful, teaser 001)

Want to know what apps Apple featured in its latest iPhone 5s ad titled ‘Powerful’, which started airing last evening? The 30-second commercial suggests that “with the power of iPhone 5s, you’re more powerful than you think” by highlighting a number of content creation use cases involving a bunch of third-party apps found on the App Store.

If you’ve seen the ad, chances are you’ve spotted a scene in which some guy uses the iPhone’s flash as a heart rate monitor, but what about all the other apps? That’s what a new section on Apple’s website is for. Titled ‘Powerful’, the new microsite is solely created with the purpose of exploring the apps from the commercial…... Read the rest of this post here

"Apple lists apps from new iPhone 5s ‘Powerful’ ad" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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