Everything Apple

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Apple poaches VP of Amazon A9′s Search Technology group

Benoit Dupin (headshot 001)

Apple has made another high-profile hire, having poached Benoit Dupin, Vice President of Amazon A9′s Search Technology group, according to the executive’s professional business profile on LinkedIn.

Benoit, who brings over fifteen years of international technology industry experience within a wide range of disciplines, has left Amazon to help Apple improve search features in its own mapping service, sources speculated on Tuesday.

He isn’t the first Amazon executive to have left for 1 Infinite Loop. Back in October 2012, Apple hired away another prominent Amazon search technologist, William Stasior, who is now working with the Siri team…(...)

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"Apple poaches VP of Amazon A9′s Search Technology group" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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