Everything Apple

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Google covering some of Samsung’s legal fees, liabilities in Apple trial


We’ve known pretty much all along that Google was going to be more involved this time around in the Apple-Samsung trial. Many of the features Apple claims infringe on its software patents are baked right into Android, so of course it would be in the Mountain View company’s best interest to become much more involved.

But I’m not sure anyone knew the extent of Google’s involvement until yesterday, when a lawyer for the tech giant said that it had reached an agreement with Samsung to foot the bill for a large portion of its legal fees. It also told the Korean firm it would cover much of the damages, should it be found guilty of infringement…... Read the rest of this post here

"Google covering some of Samsung’s legal fees, liabilities in Apple trial" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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