Everything Apple

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Instagram and Facebook stepping up fight against spammers


Instagram deactivates spam and fake accounts

Facebook-owned Instagram has responded to complaints from users who have noticed a sharp increase in the number of fake accounts and followers that are spamming them. If you fire up Instagram’s free iPhone app and hit the Following button, you’ll see a message about changes in followers.

“We’ve removed deactivated and spam accounts,” the message reads. “Your list of followers and people you follow may have changed” as a result.

This is a welcomed albeit way overdue change.

I’ve been a frequent victim of spammers on Instagram. Some of these guys are really smart in how they get on your Following list with the ultimate goal of populating your feed with spammy posts often disguised as so-called viral images and videos…(...)

Read the rest of Instagram and Facebook stepping up fight against spammers

"Instagram and Facebook stepping up fight against spammers" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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