Everything Apple

Saturday 5 April 2014

Just Mobile AluBolt cradles iPhone and iPad mini

Just Mobile AluBolt dock

Docks are my favorite iPhone and iPad accessory. I am not exactly sure what about them is enticing, but having my iOS devices propped elegantly at my workstation has been alluring since I first purchased an iPhone. Apple’s products are not just devices for productivity. Apple’s products are works of carefully crafted art.

In that nature, I would rather prop them up as a showcase. You wouldn’t buy a $600 piece of art and let it lay aimlessly around your home. You would place it prominently, making sure others can tell you have great taste. You own an iPhone, right? Apply the same concept…(...)

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"Just Mobile AluBolt cradles iPhone and iPad mini" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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