Everything Apple

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Rumor: Apple, Nike developing sensor-laden fitness band that controls other devices via gestures

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File this one under the ‘Obvious’ (or is it?) tab. According to a new report Tuesday by Geektime, citing sources familiar with their plans, Apple and Nike have banded together to secretly engineer a new smartband said to have been scheduled for a major announcement this Fall.

Needless to say, Geekwire doesn’t have an established track record in terms of rumors so you need to take the story with a grain of salt. Of course, such a notion just makes lots of sense on many levels.

As a reminder, CNET learned last week that Nike is in the process of shuttering its wearable-hardware division that produces FuelBand-branded accessories. These things are worn on one’s wrist, track one’s health and fitness data and work in conjunction with a companion iPhone app.

The sportswear company reportedly let go the majority of the team responsible for the development of FuelBand hardware as it reportedly concentrates its efforts on a secretive collaboration with Apple…... Read the rest of this post here

"Rumor: Apple, Nike developing sensor-laden fitness band that controls other devices via gestures" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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