Everything Apple

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Tech companies ask court to keep Steve Jobs’ personality out of hiring trial


courtroom gavel

Although the patent battle with Samsung is far from over in northern California, Apple’s legal team has to start preparing for another high profile trial coming up next month. The iPad-maker, along with Google and others, is being sued over no-hire agreements in Silicon Valley.

This week, those companies in a joint court filing asked that witnesses in the upcoming suit not be allowed to offer evidence that Steve Jobs was “a bully.” Emails regarding the case are fine, but excerpts from the Isaacson bio and other sources should be barred from admission…(...)

Read the rest of Tech companies ask court to keep Steve Jobs’ personality out of hiring trial

"Tech companies ask court to keep Steve Jobs’ personality out of hiring trial" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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