Everything Apple

Thursday 8 May 2014

Apple litigation won’t cripple Android, Samsung lawyer insists


The Great Apple-Samsung Legal War has been raging on for years now, and on a scale almost unprecedented in business history. The latest in the saga involves a California court awarding Apple $119.6 million in damages over Samsung patent infringement, a far cry from the $2 billion the iPhone maker was shooting for.

The ruling has prompted many watchers to question the wisdom of Apple’s thermonuclear war on Android. Adding the latest damages award on top of the $900+ million awarded to Apple in the first patent megatrial just barely results in $1 billion in damages, a price Samsung likely is happy to pay for willfully lifting Apple’s patented iPhone technology.

But no amount of litigation will ever stop Android dead in its tracks, argues an attorney for Samsung who represents the South Korean conglomerate in the courtroom…... Read the rest of this post here

"Apple litigation won’t cripple Android, Samsung lawyer insists" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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