Everything Apple

Sunday 22 June 2014

Grub turns the classic game of ‘Snake’ into something worth playing again

Grub 2

Do you remember the game Snake? Some might even argue that it was the earliest mobile game, at least on a phone and not as a separate device. Players would control a stack of pixels that would grow every time the snake would reach the tiny dot. If you touched the edge, you’d die. If you got too long and ran into yourself, you’d die.

Grub takes the basic concept of snake and reimagines it for today’s mobile needs. It is much more colorful and animated than the 1997 version. Plus there is more to the game than trying to catch one tiny dot…... Read the rest of this post here

"Grub turns the classic game of ‘Snake’ into something worth playing again" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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