Everything Apple

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Twitter now supports animated GIFs

Twitter 5.12 for iOS (iPhone screenshot 002)

Twitter, the leading micro-blogging platform, is rolling out native support for animated GIFs to its mobile apps and on the web.

By adding native GIF support to the web interface on Twitter.com and across mobile apps on iOS and Android, the startup has finally jumped on the trendy bus of sharing animated GIFs.

Twitter’s free iPhone and iPad app wasn’t updated at post time though the company said in a tweet that “starting today, you can share and view animated GIFs on Twitter.com, Android and iPhone”. As it turns out, no app update will be needed whatsoever because Twitter has confirmed that GIFs will be supported in its official API…... Read the rest of this post here

"Twitter now supports animated GIFs" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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