Everything Apple

Friday 25 July 2014

Select ComiXology titles now available to download without DRM restrictions

Comixology 3.6.2 for iOS (iPhone screenshot 001)Comixology 3.6.2 for iOS (iPhone screenshot 002)Comixology 3.6.2 for iOS (iPhone screenshot 003)

I downright hate digital-rights management (DRM). No, I’m not a cheapskate who’d rather pirate someone else’s hard work rather than support publishers with my wallet – my average monthly spending on iTunes is about $50, for those wondering.

Now, it’s perfectly understandable that content owners should be entitled to imposing copy protection on their digital products, but the annoyances to consumers far outweigh the benefits to content owners, methinks.

ComiXology is a typical example. But, but – comics want to be free of the clutches of DRM! Having realized as much, ComiXology on Friday sent out en email informing customers they can now download backup copies of select titles from certain publishers without the dreaded DRM restrictions, using its free iOS app…... Read the rest of this post here

"Select ComiXology titles now available to download without DRM restrictions" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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