Everything Apple

Sunday 6 July 2014

‘TapTheAt’ adds a quick keyboard shortcut for email addresses


If you have a long email address like yours truly—because let’s face it jeff@idownloadblog.com is pretty long—then this new jailbreak tweak is something you may take a liking to. It’s called TapTheAt, and it makes it super-easy to quickly populate your email address by using a simple keyboard shortcut.

TapTheAt allows you to insert your email address by simply tapping and holding the ‘@’ key on the iPhone’s keyboard. Once you do, the email address will be auto-pasted, which eliminates the need to type out the full email address manually.

Check out our full video demonstration showcasing how TapTheAt works.

... Read the rest of this post here

"‘TapTheAt’ adds a quick keyboard shortcut for email addresses" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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