Everything Apple

Sunday 10 August 2014

The best business card scanner apps for iPhone

best business card reader scanner app iphone

My Old Man doesn’t own a smartphone (I know, how do I live with it?). One of the drawbacks of being a decade behind the rest of us, technologically, is that his wallet is stuffed full with business cards, and I mean stuffed. It is a wonder he can even fit that thing in his pants pocket.

What he needs, besides a smartphone, is a business card reader so he can toss those bulky cardstock piles, but still keep the information he needs in his pocket. If you are looking to empty your wallet and minimize the bulk in your pockets, we’ve got a list of what we think are the best business card reader apps for iPhone for you below…... Read the rest of this post here

"The best business card scanner apps for iPhone" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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