Everything Apple

Wednesday 8 October 2014

700,000 UDIDs of jailbreak tweaks pirates leaked

Leaked UDID

A list of 700,000 UDIDs of devices used to install cracked tweaks from a pirate repo have been leaked online a few days ago. The list of leaked UDIDs, which was apparently compiled several months ago, is available as a text file, and a Twitter account was specially created to tweet one UDID every few minutes to somewhat expose the pirates.

Besides trying to shame the pirates by exposing their UDIDs, this move doesn’t represent much risk for the users whose Unique Device Identifier was leaked as it can hardly be tied to any personal information that could identify a user. ... Read the rest of this post here

"700,000 UDIDs of jailbreak tweaks pirates leaked" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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