Everything Apple

Friday 2 January 2015

MultiCam almost turns your iPhone into a Lytro camera

MultiCam 3

I’ve been enamored by the Lytro since I first heard about it in 2012. If you don’t know about it, the Lytro is a light field camera with technology that allows users to refocus and change perspective of a digital photograph after its been taken. Unfortunately, the Lytro is way out of my price range.

MultiCam – Set Focus/Exposure After Shoot takes some of that technology and brings it to the iPhone so you can take incredible depth of field photos and change which objects are in focus. We’ve got a detailed app review of MultiCam for you today.... Read the rest of this post here

"MultiCam almost turns your iPhone into a Lytro camera" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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