Everything Apple

Wednesday 7 January 2015

New SideBySide jailbreak tweak concept brings true multitasking to iOS

SideBySide Adaptive UI

Hamza Sood, a well-known and well-respected iOS developer is mulling over the possibility of creating a new iOS jailbreak tweak for true multitasking. Dubbed SideBySide, the tweak would bring true side-by-side simultaneous multitasking to iPads and iPhone, and would use Activator gestures as a means of invocation. After seeing the progress and popularity of ReachApp, Sood is having second thoughts about proceeding with development of SideBySide. I think that would be a mistake, because SideBySide looks different enough from ReachApp to be extremely compelling in its own right.... Read the rest of this post here

"New SideBySide jailbreak tweak concept brings true multitasking to iOS" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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