Everything Apple

Monday 27 April 2015

Is Apple Watch draining your iPhone’s battery too fast? This may help

iOS 7 (battery empty 001)

Contrary to popular belief, the Apple Watch has a pretty remarkable battery, a notion driven home by even the toughest of critics and reviewers.

Now that first shipments have arrived into the hands of consumers, and people have spent a day or two with their device, reports are coming in that the wearable device is in some cases dramatically draining the battery of an iPhone it’s paired to.

Our own Oliver Haslam has underscored the phenomenon in his hands-on with the Watch based on his first 24 hours with the device, as did others including former Engadget editor Ryan Block. What gives?... Read the rest of this post here

"Is Apple Watch draining your iPhone’s battery too fast? This may help" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.
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