Everything Apple

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Survey: Apple Pay surpasses PayPal in mobile payments

Apple Pay vs PayPal ChangeWave chart 002

Apple Pay is picking up steam and has hit an important milestone: the service is outperforming PayPal in mobile payments, according to a new 451 Research survey shared with iDownloadBlog on Tuesday. It’s been gaining momentum in the mobile payments space since becoming available six months ago, primarily at the expense of PayPal.

The March study, conducted by 451 Research’s ChangeWave service, consisted of 4,168 respondents primarily based in North America, and looked at planned use of mobile payment applications and the issue of security.

Respondents interested in buying an Apple Watch are twice as likely (54 percent) as all other smartphone owners to say they’ll use mobile payment apps (29 percent said ‘Very Likely’ and 25 percent said ‘Somewhat Likely’).

And overall consumer interest in Samsung’s mobile payments service (which is launching this summer) sits at a meager eight percent of respondents who are ‘Very Likely’ or ‘Somewhat Likely’ to use Samsung Pay in the future.... Read the rest of this post here

"Survey: Apple Pay surpasses PayPal in mobile payments" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.
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