Everything Apple

Thursday 7 May 2015

Apple Watch’s 28nm application processor is fabbed by Samsung, S1 chip is full of surprises

Apple Watch S1 teardown Chipworks 002

At the heart of the Apple Watch is Apple’s in-house designed ‘S1’ component that literally puts an entire computer architecture onto a single chip — an industry term you’re looking for is system-in-package (SiP) design.

A recent teardown analysis by ABI Research has managed to identify 512MB of RAM, an ARM-based CPU, a Broadcom Wi-Fi module, an accelerometer and gyroscope, along with a few other components, packed inside the S1.

Today, semiconductor experts over at Chipworks have updated their teardown of the S1 package with a few interesting tidbits related to the type of process technology used while revealing some rather unique design solutions making such small yet powerful package possible.... Read the rest of this post here

"Apple Watch’s 28nm application processor is fabbed by Samsung, S1 chip is full of surprises" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.
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