Everything Apple

Friday 29 May 2015

Google’s new Hands Free app will let you pay in stores without even reaching for your phone

Hands Free by Google teaser 001

If you thought paying with Apple Pay is ridiculously easy and frictionless, think again. No, I’m not referring to Android Pay, Google’s near exact replica of Apple Pay that was unveiled at Google I/O yesterday.

Quietly unveiled yesterday, Hands Free is a new Google mobile app currently unavailable to the general public that promises to let you make in-store purchases without ever reaching for that phone in your pocket.

Details are scarce at the moment but it seems that Hands Free requires you to just tell the cashier you’d like to pay with Google. It’s basically Android Pay without taking your phone.... Read the rest of this post here

"Google’s new Hands Free app will let you pay in stores without even reaching for your phone" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.
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