Everything Apple

Thursday 21 May 2015

Here’s what’s inside Apple Watch display retail units and how they work

Apple Watch retail display units BlogdoiPhone 001

If you visited your nearest Apple retail store since the Apple Watch’s April 10 debut, you were probably delighted by the special display retail units that combine the Apple Watch and a bigger screen to provide a cool interactive experience.

Tapping any app or option on the Apple Watch instantly puts up an animated description of the feature on the second screen. It’s instantaneous, fun and seamless.

Thankfully, a set of documents and images published recently by a Brazilian regulatory agency, and shared by BlogdoiPhone, gives us an in-depth look at how Apple engineered these display retail units and how they work.... Read the rest of this post here

"Here’s what’s inside Apple Watch display retail units and how they work" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.
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