Everything Apple

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Probably the coolest Apple Watch review you’re ever going to read


The Apple Watch may just be a cool toy to most of us, but for Molly Watt – who is both near-blind and deaf – it has made a huge difference to her life. For example, feeling safe and comfortable in environments where she cannot see at all.

I am fortunate to have a few friends who also have the Apple Watch and together have devised ways of communicating in ‘Code’ when out, particularly when out at night and in dark situations when I am completely blind […]

I can get message to friend I’m uncomfortable or I need assistance or help of some kind

The Maps app, with its ability to signal directions via taps on the wrist, has also greatly increased her independence.

So far for me the most useful App on the Apple Watch is Maps – on my iPhone I can plan my journey from one destination to another, for me it will be on foot with Unis my guidedog.

This is where Haptics really come into its own – I can be directed without hearing or sight, but by a series of taps via the watch onto my wrist

Inspiring stuff.

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