Everything Apple

Wednesday 2 July 2014

iPhone 5c outsold Galaxy S5 in the UK

iPhone 5c Blue summer wall splash

I’m sick and tired of hearing armchair analysts repeatedly proclaiming Apple’s unapologetically plastic iPhone 5c a failure just because sales numbers don’t meet their wet dream targets.

I bought an iPhone 5c for my Mom’s birthday. My friend owns one. Yes, I even see it used in public.

To this date, not a single iPhone 5c owner exhibited a case of buyer’s remorse.

I mean, you never hear anyone complaining about Apple’s practice of keeping past two iPhone generations on the market at reduced prices whenever a new model comes along. The strategy has served the company well and that’s exactly what the iPhone 5c is – a previous-gen iPhone repackaged inside a plastic chassis, sold at a discount.

A lot of ink has been spilled to paint the iPhone 5c a dud, but time and again real world numbers simply don’t corroborate this notion. A good example is a new Kantar survey proving that Apple’s mid-tier handset beat Samsung’s flagship Galaxy S5 in terms of sales in the United Kingdom…... Read the rest of this post here

"iPhone 5c outsold Galaxy S5 in the UK" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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