Everything Apple

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Apple still missing key licensing deals ahead of rumored Beats Music relaunch

Beats Music (teaser 003)

Apple is really cutting it close if it wants to relaunch Beats Music at its developer conference next month. Citing sources familiar with the company’s plans, Billboard reports that it is still missing a number of key licensing deals it would need to secure to unveil a new streaming music service.

“A June launch is still attainable,” one source tells Billboard. “If any company can do it, they can.” However, another source at a major record label tells the publication that there is no way Apple will be able to pull off a June launch for the new service, saying simply that “the deals aren’t done.”... Read the rest of this post here

"Apple still missing key licensing deals ahead of rumored Beats Music relaunch" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.
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