Everything Apple

Monday 4 May 2015

Super Mario knockoff makes it into the App Store

Super Bros 1.0 for iOS iPhone screenshot 002

We’re not expecting this one to last long on the App Store so all you fans of retro gaming out there in search of a Super Mario Bros-like experience on your iPhone should act now before it’s too late.

I’m old enough so you can trust me when I say that Super Bros! by Greek developer Papadakis Kostas (not to be confused with Greek pianist Konstantinos Papadakis) is the closest thing to the original game.

Somewhat incredibly, Super Bros! has managed to get past Apple’s App Store review team and is available for download, for now. The $1.99 iPhone game is a total knockoff of the 1985 classic platform video game internally developed by Nintendo R&D4 and published by Nintendo as a pseudo-sequel to the 1983 game Mario Bros.... Read the rest of this post here

"Super Mario knockoff makes it into the App Store" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.
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