Everything Apple

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

How Facebook Went Mobile, In Before And After Org Charts


Facebook used to be a website translated to mobile by a tiny team, but over the last 2 years its reorganized to make every department in the company mobile-first as revealed in two new org charts it shared today at a small press conference “Whiteboard Session” at its Menlo Park HQ.

Below you can see the old structure of the company, followed by the new one.

photo 1

photo 2

Here you can see that a core team handles each of Facebook's major products, such as Messages, Events, or Photos across all interfaces. Not only does this allow a team to live and breathe their product, but since they maintain all the code for their product, they can reuse it on different interfaces.

Facebook's head of mobile release engineering MIke Legnitto explains that with the old model, Facebook mobile team was “constantly playing catch up” but now he says Facebook's iOS and Android apps are “mobile first and mobile best.”

Legnitto concluded “We changed how we develop, changed how we ship, changed how we write code, but kept our culture.”

The Whiteboard Session is in progress so we'll have more info soon.


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