Everything Apple

Thursday, 5 December 2013

New website solicits crowdfunded reward for an iOS 7 jailbreak

Is iOS 7 jailbroken Yet

Is iOS 7 jailbroken yet? No. But if you’re the one who can turn that answer into a yes, there’s a growing bounty of crowdfunded dollars awaiting you. That’s the idea behind isios7jailbrokenyet.com—a site where people can go to donate money to fund an open source jailbreak for iOS 7.

The venture has generated over $2000 at the time of this post, and it uses Stripe to accept donations from those eager to free their devices from Apple’s constraints. The prize money will go to the first developer(s) who release an open source iOS 7 jailbreak. As you might expect, there are quite a few stipulations involved in order to be eligible to win. Have a look past the break for the details.(...)

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"New website solicits crowdfunded reward for an iOS 7 jailbreak" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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