Everything Apple

Tuesday 11 February 2014

How to automatically submit complex passcodes in iOS 7

Resized AutoOK7

One of the downsides to using complex passcodes, outside of the fact that they generally take more time to enter than the standard 4-digit passcode, is that complex passcodes aren’t auto-submitted upon entry. Unlike the standard passcode, which automatically unlocks your device upon correct entry, complex passcodes force you to tap the ‘Done’ button once you’re finished typing.

AutoOK7 is an updated version of the original AutoOK tweak that we reviewed several months back, and it serves to eliminate the need to manually submit complex passcodes after typing them. It’s not a tweak that will save you loads of time, but as the saying goes, every little second helps. Have a look at our full video walkthrough inside for a demonstration of how it works.(...)

Read the rest of How to automatically submit complex passcodes in iOS 7

"How to automatically submit complex passcodes in iOS 7" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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