Everything Apple

Tuesday 11 February 2014

How to get rid of low power alerts when your battery dips to 10 or 20 percent

Resized NoLowPowerAlert Featured

The low power alerts that pop up at the most inopportune times when using your iPhone need to die. At least that’s according to developer hiroshit, the creator of a new jailbreak tweak dubbed NoLowPowerAlert.

NoLowPowerAlert is an extremely simple tweak with no options to configure. It allows you to completely disable the low power alerts that pop up on your iOS device when your battery hits 20 or 10 percent of remaining power. Have a look at our walkthrough inside to see how it works in action.(...)

Read the rest of How to get rid of low power alerts when your battery dips to 10 or 20 percent

"How to get rid of low power alerts when your battery dips to 10 or 20 percent" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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