Everything Apple

Saturday, 29 March 2014

iOS 7: the ultimate Mail app guide

Ultimate Mail App Guide

The stock Mail app is the best way to send, receive, and manage email on iOS 7. There are, of course, alternatives to the stock Mail app such as the official Gmail app and Yahoo Mail app, but no third-party app can match the feature-set and integration of the stock Mail application.

One of the primary advantages of the stock Mail app is that it can handle multiple mail accounts from a large variety of providers. There’s support for Gmail, Yahoo mail, Outlook.com, Exchange, Aol Mail, and iCloud mail. You can even configure an email account from your own server if you wish to do so.

The Mail app is an extremely versatile app with an insane amount of options, features, and idiosyncrasies. Have a look at our ultimate guide to the stock Mail app for more info on what makes it tick(...)

Read the rest of iOS 7: the ultimate Mail app guide

"iOS 7: the ultimate Mail app guide" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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