Everything Apple

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Poll: does iOS 7.1 crash less on you?

Gold iPhone 5s front

If you’re a proud iPhone 5s owner, I’m sure you’ll agree that the experience of using iOS 7 on a daily basis is less stellar than what we’ve normally come to expect from our favorite fruity company. If anything, iOS 7.0.x has taught iPhone owners, especially iPhone 5s ones, to get used to random crashes at least a couple times a day.

It’s not just that Safari crashed a lot on me, I crashed while listening to music, reading books and taking pictures – I even crashed on the iOS app switcher. It was almost as if my iPhone 5s would restart if I looked at it the wrong way.

I’m pleased to report that iOS 7 crashes far less on my iPhone 5s versus any prior iOS 7.0.x version, including the recently released iOS 7.0.6. Of course, your mileage may vary and with less than a day’s worth of running newly-released iOS 7.1 not everyone’s had a chance to experience just how stabler and snappier the new version is.

Having said that, I’d like you to vote in this non-scientific poll about iOS 7.1 stability and learn about your experience thus far. Go ahead, cast a vote and join the civil discussion down in the comments….(...)

Read the rest of Poll: does iOS 7.1 crash less on you?

"Poll: does iOS 7.1 crash less on you?" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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