Everything Apple

Friday, 28 March 2014

‘Threes’ developers publish gigantic work log in response to clones

Threes 1

Clones of popular games are a common sight in the App Store. They’re a way for not-so-creative developers to make a quick buck by riding the coattails of hit titles and trends—the recent flurry of Flappy Bird copycats is a great example of this phenomenon.

But while we had a good laugh at some of the ridiculous FB clones, like ‘Flappy Beard Hipster Quest,’ it’s not so funny for developers. In fact, the creators of the hit game ‘Threes’ recently took to their blog to vent their frustration with the growing list of ripoffs…(...)

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"‘Threes’ developers publish gigantic work log in response to clones" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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