When Jack Dorsey, along with Evan Williams, Biz Stone and Noah Glass, flipped the switch on Twitter back in July 2006, there was no chance on Earth they could have predicted how widespread their strange new service would become.
I mean, isn’t it remarkable to think that news breaks on Twitter nowadays? Big media like CNN, NBC and other 24/7 media outlets source information from Twitter and celebs who get paid to endorse Samsung devices regularly humiliate themselves by tweeting from their iPhones.
The service that forces you to compress your thoughts into 140-character posts was actually created on this day eight years ago and Twitter is marking the anniversary by launching an interesting tool which lets you check out anyone’s first tweet, without having to scroll for hours through their timeline.
Skimming through your followers’ inaugural tweeting is an awesome reminder that most folks struggled to figure out this Twitter thing when it launched…
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"Twitter turns 8, celebrates with new tool that uncovers anyone’s first tweet" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.
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