Everything Apple

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Skype 5.0 for iPhone is back in the App Store

Skype 5

The wait is over as Skype 5.0 for iPhone has finally started to roll out to international App Stores this morning. Microsoft previewed the remastered Skype for iPhone with a brand new design earlier this week and unleashed the updated software upon the App Store the following day.

But something was amiss as Skype 5.0 went live in the Canadian App Store only, with some international users briefly spotting the update before it disappeared quickly.

As of this morning, the VoIP application appeared to propagate through the App Stores around the world so go ahead, update your copy of Skype and let us know how you like its new Windows Phone-style swipable interface…... Read the rest of this post here

"Skype 5.0 for iPhone is back in the App Store" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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