Everything Apple

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Alphabeats review: make music with words

Alphabeats 2

I like games that are music themed. When bands put out weird, trippy apps starring their tunes, I get a kick out of what they dream up. I don’t particularly like rhythm games, though. They never seem to hit the beat right, and I can’t shake my pre-existing knowledge of real-life music experiences. I’m always thinking, “That’s not how that solo is played.”

Alphabeats is a music themed game that uses electronica tunes to set the atmosphere, but doesn’t ask you to tap to the beat in order to win. We’ve got a hands-on game review of Alphabeats for you today…... Read the rest of this post here

"Alphabeats review: make music with words" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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