Everything Apple

Monday 28 July 2014

Beats Music gains Tune Your Taste, Sentence History, Verified Badges and more

Beats Music 2.2 for iOS (iPhone screenshot 002)Beats Music 2.2 for iOS (iPhone screenshot 001)

Beats Music, a music-streaming service that uses a combination of algorithms and good ol’ human curation to make it easy to enjoy music based on your location, activities and other criteria, has just been updated with several new features.

The free iPhone and iPad app, now sitting at version 2.2, has brought out the ability to further tailor music to your tastes by changing your favorite genres and artists.

And, folks can now view their most recently played songs from The Sentence. Also, avoiding fake profiles is easier than ever because the app now has verified profiles – just look for a new red checkmark indicating a profile has been “certified as legit by Beats”…... Read the rest of this post here

"Beats Music gains Tune Your Taste, Sentence History, Verified Badges and more" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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