Everything Apple

Thursday 31 July 2014

QuickFolders: a more efficient way to launch apps in folders

QuickFolders Featured

QuickFolders is an upcoming jailbreak tweak that will allow users to launch apps contained in folders using a single tap and hold gesture. The tweak, which should be hitting Cydia any day now, will also allow users to venture into nested folders, switch folder pages, and exit folders all in one motion.

We’ve gotten our hands on a preview build of QuickFolders and have put it through its paces. While it isn’t quite as stable as it’ll hopefully be when the tweak officially launches, the potential is undeniable. Have a look at our full video walkthrough after the break for more information.... Read the rest of this post here

"QuickFolders: a more efficient way to launch apps in folders" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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