Everything Apple

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Super Kitty will trick you until you can’t take it anymore

Super Kitty 2

As a kid, Super Mario Bros was my go-to game after school. I spent many hours jumping, brick breaking, and spitting fireballs while my thumbs cramped up from too much gaming. So, platformers have a special place in my heart, especially when they have a similar look and feel to my favorite childhood game.

Super Kitty is a sort of platformer that has plenty of iconic imagery from Nintendo’s flagship game. However, you won’t be able to enjoy the mechanics of jumping, brick breaking, or spitting fireballs because you’ll be too busy getting tricked into dying.... Read the rest of this post here

"Super Kitty will trick you until you can’t take it anymore" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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