Everything Apple

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

How to assign a keyboard shortcut to Notification Center on Mac

Notification Center Today View Mac OS X

It might seem fairly obvious, but it might be a good idea to assign a keyboard shortcut to Notification Center on the Mac. Perhaps you already have, or maybe you still haven’t. I hadn’t, at least not up until a few days ago when a reader suggested that I do so, and I honestly can’t come up with a reason as to why I waited so long. I think it’s because I just never thought about doing it.

Assigning Notification Center to a keyboard shortcut just makes sense. It especially makes sense if you use a keyboard and mouse combination on your Mac, instead of a trackpad. Granted, MacBook users might not be so easily convinced, because invoking Notification Center can be accomplished via an effortless two-finger swipe on the trackpad.

But if you’re working on an iMac, or if you’re using a traditional mouse and keyboard combination with your MacBook, as I am, then I definitely recommend that you follow this uber-simple tip.... Read the rest of this post here

"How to assign a keyboard shortcut to Notification Center on Mac" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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