Everything Apple

Tuesday 24 March 2015

New video streaming service ‘Vessel’ out now, includes one year free subscription

Vessel 2

Former Hulu CEO Jason Kilar has been hard at world building a new service dedicated to helping the world keep track of their favorite popular YouTube artists and channels, as well as other web shows. Wishing you could watch the next FunnyOrDie release before all of your friends do? Well, now you can.

Vessel is a video streaming service that gathers up some of the more popular web series channels and displays them in a news feed way so you can watch new content. With a subscription to Vessel, you can even see new episodes before the rest of the world does.... Read the rest of this post here

"New video streaming service ‘Vessel’ out now, includes one year free subscription" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.

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