It’s inevitable. Like clockwork, following each new Apple product launch, you can be certain someone, somewhere, will find a way to create a controversy based on an alleged design flaw. The controversy then makes its way up the chain, usually ending up being “verified” by some YouTuber. This is when the controversy gets appended the “gate” suffix, and becomes the mother of all weaknesses, the Holy Grail of Apple’s negligence.
The issue with these problemgates, is that they’re often devoid of good commonsense, or simply devoid of actual understanding of the most basic rules of physics. Take Bendgate for example. Who wouldn’t have thought that applying a certain amount of force onto a device mostly made of aluminum would actually cause it to bend?
With Apple Watch arriving this Friday, I’m already anticipating a couple problemgates that may or may not materialize, but for good measures, I wanted to get ahead of the game and address them before they even start, because you know, good old commonsense can go a long way.... Read the rest of this post here
"Apple Watch: getting #BandGate and #ShowerGate out of the way" is an article by
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