Everything Apple

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Jony Ive talks Apple Watch’s mission and Apple’s approach to 21st century luxury

Jony Ive 2015 Conde Nast International Luxury Conference Vogue image 001

Jony Ive is in the limelight again. Earlier this morning, Condé Nast’s inaugural International Luxury Conference kicked off in Florence, Italy — the birthplace of the Renaissance – and Ive, Apple’s Senior Vice President of Design, was joined on stage by fellow industrial designer Marc Newson, who helped create the Apple Watch.

As reported by the British edition of the fashion magazine Vogue, Apple’s wrist-worn device was the chief topic of conversation, with Ive discussing how Apple’s approach to 21st-century luxury compares with traditional luxury as we know it.... Read the rest of this post here

"Jony Ive talks Apple Watch’s mission and Apple’s approach to 21st century luxury" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.
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