Everything Apple

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

First look at Apple’s new App Analytics beta (Screenshots)


After beginning to invite developers to test an app analytics beta last week, giving devs that signed up access to new analytic data for their apps through iTunes Connect, today we get our first look at the feature

The screenshots above and below were shared by 9to5Mac reader and developer Patrick Heinrich von den Driesch.

The feature offers developers an overview of their users and app usage including retention stats, a breakdown of what device types (iPhone, iPad, iPod, etc) are using their apps, usage based on location, and other stats related to earnings, referrals, growth, in-app purchases, installs and more.

App analytics has been a highly requested feature by devs for quite a while, especially since Apple acquired and shutdown access to the beta testing service TestFlight, which offered similar analytic features and is now integrated into iTunes Connect.

Developers interested in signing up can do so, but Apple will be granting access on a first-come, first-served basis and appears to be rolling out the feature slowly.

Head below for screenshots:

iTunes-app-analytics-01 iTunes-app-analytics-02 iTunes-app-analytics-03 iTunes-app-analytics-04
Filed under: Apps, Developers Tagged: App Analytics, App Store, Apple watch, beta, Data, iPad, iPhone, iTunes Connect, Retention, screenshots, TestFlight

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